Kurort Course

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Kurort Course

A monthly walking tour with an instructor is held on this course. There are several points along the way where you can measure your heart rate. and compare it with your heart rate after walking on a flat road, climbing stairs, or walking up a hill.

Kurort Course 1

One of the highlights is the Cherry Blossom Garden where multiple types of cherry blossoms bloom as the Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year on the last Saturday in March. Some cherry trees bloom as early as mid-March, and you can enjoy the cherry blossoms from mid-March to early April. It is managed by a group of volunteers who dream of making this place a cherry blossom mountain like Yoshino Mountain On the way to Soyokaze Terrace, you can walk through the forest and enjoy observing trees, plants, and insects.Brown frogs lay their eggs in in the wetland in winter, and the volunteers put up yellow flags at the points where they lay their eggs to count how many eggs are laid each year. The parent brown frogs live in the mountains during the summer. This is why we need an environment like the Sozo-no-Mori, where they can safely go back and forth between the waterfront and the mountains.

Kurort Course 2

The Sozo-no-Mori is a place with many cedars and cypresses. There are many ferns called "urajiro" growing in the area, and this is a common fern in Ise-Shima and is used as a lucky charm. Japan has hundreds of species of ferns and is one of the most fern-rich countries in the world.The ferns that grow here are mostly urajiro and koshida.

Kurort Course 3

There are not many old trees in this area because many of them had been used as firewood.
The Sozo-no-Mori has the meaning of enjoying the blessings of the mountains not as they are, but as they have been modified by people, and as the forest has been maintained for activities in the forest, you can feel that it is 1 a place where you can enjoy observing and walking while feeling nature.

Kurort Course 4

Walk straight up the last slightly inclined stairs and you will arrive at the "Soyokaze Terrace". Soyokaze Terrace is 160 meters above sea level and offers a three-dimensional view of Ago Bay. During the cherry blossom season, there are cherry blossom trees all around, so you can enjoy the cherry blossoms and Ago Bay together.

Kurort Course 5

Continue walking past the Komorehi Terrace for five minutes, and you will arrive at the Tenkū Cafe Terrace. Ago Bay and Cape Goza can also be seen from the spacious terrace. The terrace gets a lot of sunlight and on a sunny day, it is warm even in winter. In summer, it is cool because of the breeze from the sea. When you come to the Tenkū Terrace, don't forget to try the "Katsuo (bonito) burger (Hamburger with local specialty)" and "Yokoyama Tenkū Sandwich (made with Shima Aosa pork)" at the Terrace Cafe.

Kurort Course 6

Aosa (sea lettuce) ice cream is also recommended in summer. Mie Prefecture is No. 1 in the nation in the cultivation of aosa, with Shima City accounting for a large share of the market. From the Tenkū terrace, you can also check on the cultivation of blue-green aosa and the places of aquaculture of pearls. After taking a break on the Tenkū terrace, we continued down to the visitor center.

Kurort Course 7
Kurort Course 8